Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Wind and the Kite

One Day a kite decided to fly

To scale the Blue to touch the sky

How to do it she had no clue

But her will was firm and true

She took her first step and raised her head

The Wind decided to push her ahead

She flew higher and reached new horizons

The reel and thread disappeared from the vision

Suddenly the kite find herself alone

Sun begin to set and Wind was gone

Kite thought wind has betrayed her trust

She was hurt badly deep in the Crust

Still in pain kite went asleep

Thinking about why she took the giant leap

Wind blew again took the kite home

Regretting why she took kite with her alone

Wind wanted to tell her she belonged to reel and thread

But the Kite thought Wind’s emotions were dead

The wind is me and kite is you
Even if i don't show I care for you




  1. great narration ...
    keep it up dude...

  2. Hey Arpit,

    This is beautiful. I'd no idea you wrote poems. The construction of the poem along with the selection of the words clearly relfect the emotions buried deep inside your heart.

    Hope you continue to express your feelings this way and write many more poems.


  3. i lykd d way u blended d narration.. its v subtle yet soft!
    I wud say its reflecting inexpression (d last couplet), in xpression (d full poem).. :)
    Gud wrk.. keep writin !

  4. Oh Wow.. i had no clue that u had interest in writing too .. and that also so well ..!
    Gr8 yaar .. really loved the way u expressed it ..
    Wonderfully Written :)

  5. great work dude i remember this one i read before ....

  6. hey arpit bhai,
    i luv all ur poems but dis 1 is AMAZIN!!!! wish i cood rite as well as u.
